Episode 4: Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs with Guest Peter “The Egg Whisperer”

This week: Just in time for Easter, esteemed egg expert Peter (er, my husband) cooks the perfect hard-boiled egg in real time. Use this episode as your own egg timer at home!

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Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs

023Almost anything benefits from the addition of a hard-boiled egg. The ideal egg has a nearly-goo center, the better to blend with whatever you put it in–great in green salads, for instance, where the yolk mixes with the dressing and adds an extra richness. Our household standby is the open-face egg sandwich, best with warm, freshly boiled eggs.

Step 0: Be Peter.
Step 1: Failing that…select a small pan, and a number of eggs that will fit tidily in that pan. (Smaller pans mean less water, which is quicker to boil.)
Step 2: Set the water on to boil, with a small drizzle of vinegar in it (totally optional).
Step 3: Optionally, set eggs in warm water to take the chill off, while waiting for the water to boil.
Step 4: Using a deep spoon, gently lower the eggs into the boiling water.
022Step 5: Wait 9 minutes.
Step 6: Pour hot water off eggs and run cold water over–just enough to get them cool enough to grab and set aside in a bowl.
Step 7: When cool enough to handle, crack shell and peel.

Optional open-face egg sandwich:

(For demonstration purposes only. May we suggest peeling your egg before slicing?)

…and lay over buttered toast.


Sprinkle with salt, and eat any time of day.


3 thoughts on “Episode 4: Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs with Guest Peter “The Egg Whisperer”

  1. Pingback: Episode 17: Salade Nicoise — Cooking in Real Time

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